2. SELL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Credit, where credit is due. This is Ms. Webster's idea. She was talking about maybe selling subscriptions to parents and other outside people like alumni and community members who might want to see the paper. It could be a good way to generate some extra revenue if we find enough people willing to pay.
3. GET PUBLISHED IN LARGER PAPERS. Maybe we can talk the Oak Ridger or the Oak Ridge Observer into reprinting some of our highlight articles. The wider community might notice us more and it would be wonderful for our portfolios. :)
4. SURVEY THE STUDENT POPULATION. A common problem in newspapers is that the Newspaper tends to be the newspaper of whoever's-on-the=staff instead of representing the school as a whole. We could do an official survey and ask the students of ORHS what they want to see in their paper. Like the stuff I put in the polls. Only we would give it out to about 200 students and then someone would have to count it...I'm telling you now. That someone is not going to be me.
5. NEWBIES SHADOW EXPERIENCED OAK LEAFERS. Interviewing is really different from anything you do anywhere else in school, so on the first issue, maybe each of the first-year staff members could go out and report with an older staff member, so they could kind of see firsthand how reporting goes instead of groping around in the dark.
What do you think?
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